Anormal normalidad

Van desapareciendo los síntomas de la peor gripe que he tenido en mi vida y ya he recuperado el sentido del gusto y del olfato. Hay que ver lo que huelen las capsulas usadas de la nespresso, las guardo para reciclar y no me había dado cuenta hasta ayer de lo que huelen a café. Tan sólo me queda una molesta tos que seguramente tarde aún unos cuantos días en desaparecer del todo. Ya he vuelto al trabajo, al estrés, y al día a día más o menos habitual.

Parecería que todo vuelve a la normalidad pero es justo lo contrario. Esta situación es anormal. Al menos lo es respecto a las últimas semanas. Estos días me falta una pieza muy importante en el rompecabezas que es mi vida y eso me hace sentir extraño. Y cada minuto que pasa es peor. Al final tengo que apelar al tiempo, que es lo que te conduce al siguiente paso y responde a las dudas. Y confiar en que antes o después esta situación de anormal normalidad acabe. Se acaben la incertidumbre y el miedo a lo desconocido y sea el inicio de algo muy bueno.

Keane – Lovers are Loosing

I dreamed I was drowning
In the river Thames
I dreamed I had nothing at all
Nothing but my own skin

I dreamed I was drifting
On the howling wind
I dreamed I had nothing at all
Nothing but my own skin

Slipped away from your open hands
Into the river
Saw your face looking back at me
I saw my past
and I saw my future

You take the pieces of the dreams that you have
‘Cause you don’t like the way they seem to be going
You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
You’re full of hope as you begin rearranging
Put it all back together
But anyway you look at things
Looks like the lovers are losing

I dreamed I was watching
A young lover’s dance
I reached out to touch your hand
But I was watching from a distance

We cling to love like a skidding car
Clings to a corner
I try to hold on to what we are
The more I squeeze the quicker we alter

You take the pieces of the dreams that you have
‘Cause you don’t like the way they seem to be going
You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
You’re full of hope as you begin rearranging
Put it all back together
But anyway you look at things and try
The lovers are losing

I dreamed I had nothing at all
(nothing at all but my own skin)
Nothing but my own skin

You take the pieces of the dreams that you had
‘Cause you don’t like the way they seem to be going
You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
You’re full of hope as you begin rearranging
Put it all back together
But in the final reckoning
Looks like the lovers are losing

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